Friday, January 13, 2012

The Bucket List

This is a tough topic to write about. Not because I don't want to think about my death or anything sentimental like that, but only because I have so many things which I want to do! I guess I'll start of with the things that are easier to do and end with something that most likely won't happen. So one thing that I believe would be easy to do would be parachuting. Yes, I know. It's totally cliche, but at the same time falling from an airplane that fast heading towards earth would be such an insane experience. Lets see.. another thing I'd love to do before my life comes to an end is design, customize and build my "dream home." I think it would be awesome to just totally decide how to lay out your own house, the landscape around it and how you want everything to come together. One thing I definitely want to do is have a driveway which goes underground and becomes your garage. You can access it easily because surprise, it's also your basement! I just think that something like that would be really cool. What can I say, I'm a car guy. I think I might even want to live in Buffalo when it comes time to raise a family. I'm moving to Chicago and living in the city next year, no doubt about that. But I think when I "settle down" I would want to have at least a few acres of land. Living on a lake would be ideal because I love boating so much. Alright, one last thing I'd love to do before I die besides everything else like traveling the world, be in touring band, blah blah blah would be to time travel. I'd just love to go back in time and see how things were. What streets looked like when our parents grew up, experience historical moments all of it! I have a strange fascination with imagining how areas used to look, I find it really interesting... but anyways a time traveling device hasn't been invented yet so I guess I'll just keep living in the present and looking forward.

Monday, January 9, 2012

So this is the new year..

This year I have no "resolutions." The reason being is that to me a New Years resolution is much more of a short lived fake goal thought up to make your self esteem higher for a few weeks. For me, I have more of a long term goal. One that doesn't exactly include dropping a lot of money for a gym membership or going out and buying a bunch of protein shakes. Overall, I just want to strive to be a more organized person. I feel that if I become more organized I can increase efficiency, become healthier (mentally and physically) and just become a better person due to having less stress and frustration due to poor organization. The largest way I plan on organizing myself is by getting things onto paper. I also love having everything in my hand when I need it, maybe typing the lists onto my iPhone after writing them out wouldn't be a bad idea. I've tried this concept before, but I've always just tried punching everything into my phone at once. This would just take me too long and was frustrating. I don't care how technology savvy you are.. nothing is as fast, convenient, and satisfying as writing everything out onto paper. Another way I want to try and organize myself is by making a weekly list of things that I want to accomplish and when I want to accomplish them by. By doing this I feel I can stay on top of work a lot better, instead of doing things last minute, rushed, and possibly missing out on opportunities. I'm excited about getting myself more organized. Since I'll be moving away to college at the end of summer I think now is time more than ever to get a few things straightened out in my life.