Thursday, May 17, 2012

Q1: When To Pull The Trigger

The use of guns for self defense and what makes it justifiable is a argument which I believe rests on the circumstances of individual cases. If someone breaks into your home and begins to take advantage of your wife then by all means the law should allow you to pull the trigger. If you're walking home at night and you get mugged, pull your gun. If he backs away don't shoot, if he continues to attack and you're unable to reasonably defend yourself, pull the trigger.
Sometimes the sight of a gun will be all that's needed to protect yourself. In any case the gun is a source of power. It should only be used when you feel overpowered and unable to protect yourself in any other way. The problem with all of this is that allowing people to carry guns and use them when they feel unsafe creates an enormous loop hole for criminals. The last thing I want to see is this nation become an unsafe, murder-happy, merciless society. Although, I do strongly believe in self-defense. This topic's just one of those things which depend on specific cases and circumstances.
 If you do own a gun for protection, please use it with extreme caution and for only the most severe circumstances. Sometimes the intimidation of the weapon is enough to stop a criminal. What's worse than being mugged is killing an innocent man who was maybe just trying to tell you that you dropped your phone. It sounds ridiculous but events like this have in fact happened. Question everything.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

P1: Television

When I compare myself to the stereotypical modern teen, I really don’t watch too much television. I don’t spend my evenings watching re-runs of Jersey Shore, or spend hours figuring out why the Kardashians are as popular as they are. Currently my favorite shows include, The Office, BBC’s Top Gear, Southland and anything on the Discovery or History channel. I tend to genuinely enjoy shows where to understand the humor and gravity of situations you must have an understanding of the characters and what they’re about.

In my home there are four televisions. There’s a large television in our family room, and then three smaller screens in my sister’s room, my parents’, and my own. We mostly watch shows in the living room but if we’re watching something before bed, or by ourselves then we’ll move to our bedrooms. I think television is great in appropriate amounts. It can be entertaining, educational, emotional, and informative. A piece of technology which enhances television is the DVR. This allows me to record shows while I’m at school, work, or out with friends. This way I never miss a new episode or show I’ve been wanting to watch.

Over the years, television has received a large amount of negative opinion and comments. I have to agree with the people who say too much of it isn’t good. Too much of anything isn’t good. In personal experience I find television to be enjoyable, and educational. The result on the brain and lifestyle all depends on who’s watching what and for how long.

Television is a technological theme-park packed with movies, episodes, broadcasts, and concerts all available to us at any time of the day. It’s another piece of technology which brings humans closer together, but if overused, it can drive us apart.