Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Making The World A Better Place

Making the world a better place isn't going to happen by any big idea or huge movement. It's going to happen by everyday people and companies working together. A major thing I wish the United States would see is how much better glass products are rather than plastic. I visited Europe a few years ago and most of all drinks were bottled in glass rather than plastic. The glass is much easier to be recycled than plastic and is much more organic. Melting and reshaping glass is much simpler than trying to recycle plastic products. Oh yeah, as far as driving, manual transmissions should be required. Think about the typical American driving experience. You get in your car, you turn it on, you put it in drive and that's that. This allows for pretty much anyone to be able to be on the road. Which could be dangerous. To pass your driving test in Europe you must first pass it driving a car with a manual transmission. There's a reason DWI rates are lower in Europe. Think about it. Could you imagine a person under the influence trying to shift gears, or even get a car going in manual? No way. It makes it tougher on the person but it also keeps them off the road.. depending how "gone" they are. Also driving manual makes you a lot more focused on the road, the conditions, and what's going on around you. You don't have time to text, read the newspaper, and have your thanksgiving feast while driving. Americans put down manual transmissions. Why? Most of the time the reply is because "it's too much work." Yeah, and that's why America is the way it is...

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